Friday, February 24, 2006

Sekhment statues at Temple of Amenophis III

I was actually looking for details of the new tomb next to that of Harwa but found this instead, which I apparently missed, dating to the 13th February: "El secretario general del Consejo Supremo de Antigüedades, Zahi Hawass, revisa varias estatuas de Sekhmet (diosa con cabeza de león), descubiertas por un equipo de arqueólogos españoles y alemanes durante los trabajos de conservación del Templo Amenofis III y del Colossi de Memnon, en la antigua Tebas, Luxor, en el norte de Egipto."
Roughly: Head of the SCA, Zahi Hawass reviewed a number of statues of the lion goddess Sekhment, found by a team of spanish and german archaeologists during work on the conservation of the Temple of Amenophis III and the Colossi of Memnon in ancienct Thebes, Luxor.

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